Digital File - Saving Lots of Items to the Digital File
Need to share hundreds (or even thousands) of files with a client?
No problem! PortalsXpress includes ZIP file support, which
means you can upload & download folders filled with files or entire
folder hierarchies as simply and easily as you can share one file.
Here's how (using Windows 7):
- Open Windows Explorer;
right-click on your Windows Start menu icon and pick "Explore"
- Navigate to the folder containing the content you want to upload;
- Select the files and/or folders you want to zip.
If you want to zip all the files in a location, you can use the keyboard command Ctrl+A (hold down the "Ctrl" key and the "A" button simultaneously).;
- Right-click on the selected items & pick "Send to", then choose "Compressed (zipped) folder";
- Upload the ZIP folder into PortalsXpress;
see managing portals and saving to digital file for more details
- Let your client know the ZIP folder's ready;
Click the "Email" toolbar button in PortalsXpress, enter a subject and click "Send"!
That's it! When your client logs in, they'll be able to download the ZIP
folder as easily as downloading any document from their portal. Here are
some screenshots of what their experience looks like (hover over each of
these with your mouse to see them expanded):
1. select |
2. save |
3. close |
4. double-click |
5. view files |
Note that both Mac OS X and Linux have similar features for
creating ZIP folders. Once created, using ZIP Folders with PortalsXpress
is the same as it is with Windows 7.