Digital File - Automating the Generation of PDF Documents PortalsXpress includes a couple features that make it easy for you to generate PDF letters, statements, reports, invoices, etc. and deliver those PDF files to the corresponding client's portal. The first feature lets you use PortalsXpress' built-in Inter-Process Communcation command interface to generate and upload a PDF version of any file you're able to print. Two commands relate to this feature:
Note: the PortalsXpress built-in Inter-Process Communication command interface is exercised most easily by running PortalsXpress.exe. When a secondary instance of PortalsXpress.exe runs, it detects the presence of the primary instance and sends it the command line, then terminates. This is actually pretty fast because of .exe and .dll reference counting; all of the binaries required to run a secondary PortalsXpress.exe instance are already loaded into memory, so all the operating system has to do is create an environment for the secondary process. The second feature you'll need is called PortalsXpress Auto-Router. See its documentation for more details. So let's say I have 3,000 statements in MS-Word, one for each of my clients. I can use my favorite scripting language to implement an automation routine with this control flow: