Digital File - Folder Sync
General Information
FolderSync lets you synchronize a local folder with a specified
Digital Folder in a contact's Digital File. Once you have linked
the two folders, the FolderSync process will launch at the time of day
you've specified.
At the specified launch time, FolderSync will identify any files that
have been added to or changed in the local folder since the previous
sync. If it finds any, those files will be imported into the corresponding
Digital Folder. For the initial launch of FolderSync, ALL files in the
specified local folders will be imported.
You can optionally have an email notification sent to specific contacts
when their Digital Folders are synchronized.
If PortalsXpress application is not running at the specified
launch time, the process will be attempted the following day.
You cannot synchronize two Digital Folders with the same local folder.
Steps to Synchronize a Folder
To synchronize a local folder and a Digital Folder, do the following:
- From your contact's Digital File, right-click on the Digital
Folder you want to synchronize and select "Folder Properties" from
the pop-up menu. This will display the "Folder Properties" dialog.
- Specify the time of day you want to launch the daily
- Click on the "Browse..." button to select the local folder you
want to synchronize.
- To have an email notification sent to the contact when the
Digital Folder is synchronized with new files, place a check in the
checkbox labeled "Notify this contact..."
Next, select the Email Blaster
template to use. Email Blaster templates can be created by clicking
on the "Email Blaster" link on the "GettingStarted" tab.
- Click on the "OK" button to save your changes.
- The "Sync sub-folders" option synchronizes the local folder's
sub-folders (and their sub-folders) as well.
- The "Sync Adds only" option will always create a new digital item
for the files that need to by synchronized.
- The "Sync Adds & Replaces" option will create a new digital item
if the file has never been synchronized before, and replace the digital item
if it has been synchronized before.
- The "Sync Adds, Replaces, Deletes" option will behave the same way as the
above option, but will delete a digital items whose corresponding local files have been
To discontinue synchronization of a local folder and a Digital Folder,
do the following:
- From your contact's Digital File, right-click on the Digital
Folder and select "Folder Properties" from the pop-up menu. This will
display the "Folder Properties" dialog.
- Click on the "Clear" button.
- Click on the "OK" button to save your changes.