Resource Manager Users Guide

Resource Manager Interface - Tree Control Resource

Adding a Resource

You can add a resource on the tree control in one of the following ways.

  • Click on the New Resource icon while you have a department or group highlighted.
  • Click on your department or group in the tree control and right mouse click. From the drop-down menu that displays, choose New Resource.
  • Highlight the resource from another group or department that you want to move. Hold down your left mouse key and drag the resource to where you want to add them.
  • If you are a manager, you need to add yourself as well in order for your tasks to be displayed in your Inbox and Group Inbox.

Promote to Manager
If you are a manager or administrator in PortalsXpress and want to switch a resource to have manager rights, you can highlight the resource name by clicking on it and then using your right mouse button. Once you do, the last menu selection, Promote to Manager, should be highlighted. This will give the resource the ability to view a listing of all resources in that department, the ability to see all the tasks those resources are working on, and the ability to view and change the detail and status of those tasks.

NOTE: This will take away your rights to do the same until that person uses the Promote to Manager selection to give you back your administrative rights.